Information coming soon

Subject to change 
Sponsored by the CCHS Interact Club & Shannon Dalton

Also required is the following:

  • Dogs are required to have proof of rabies shot
  • All pets must be on a leash, caged or boxed, as appropriate
  • No pets in heat, please
  • Pets will remain under the control of the exhibitor at all times
  • Pets that are vicious and uncontrollable should not enter the pet show
  • NO Primates Please

Please be advised that no animals are allowed in the wholesale building due to Food Safety Rules! 

Pet Show Classes

Prettiest dog/other  ————- Grumpiest dog/other pet

Friendliest dog/other pet  —-  Most unusual dog/other pet  

Largest dog/other pet ———  Best trick dog/other pet  

Smallest dog/other pet ——– Dog/other pet that looks most like exhibitor

Costume Classes

Best super hero costume dog/ other pet

Best fairy tale character costume dog/other pet

Best princess costume dog/other pet

Best couple costume dogs/other pets

